Aaaaaand the Powerhoof site is up!
We have our own games company and our own website- this is awesome!
Look at me I’m an internet genius! I can put exclamation marks on every comment!
We have some very important stuff to cover in this first post, so let’s get down to business:
First this:
If I can’t put a picture of a guy pooping on another guy, what was the point of quitting my job? I’m not gonna have my own company where I can do whatever I want and then not put a picture of a pooping guy!
I might do this every time, just to prove to myself I’m not working for some boring company any more!
“Oh hello, my name is Mr. Professional Games Company, and I do not endorse employees putting poopymen on my internet”
“Screw you Mr. Company- I’m out!”
Then this:
With that out of the way, i should also mention video games:
video games
Please give us your money!
(post complete)
I wholeheartedly approve of this.