Powerhoof! An Outing with Frankie...

A monstrous petting zoo simulator for Ludum Dare 33

Frankie’s having a visit to the petting zoo! Look at all the cute animals! Frankie sometimes finds it difficult to control his own strength, but I’m sure he’ll do fine!


Dave made this with a bunch of friends over 72 hours for Ludum Dare 33. The theme of the jam was “You are the monster”. We couldn’t make Crawl again, so we made this!

Play it here!


Full Credits…

Bad Frankie!


You can also download/listen to the song Ben and George made here: https://feedingtime.bandcamp.com/track/frankie-ost

Development Time-lapse

As a bonus, here’s a time lapse of my screen over the 72 hours:

 – Dave

  1. Walrusman72

    I am sad to see this gathering crickets… I want you guys to know that I had fun playing this! Have a nice day!

  2. whoa wut. another game?? and an “experiments” button? nice.

