Update v0.12: Eye Bat is ready in time for Christmas!
Welp, we’ve got a bunch more Crawl stuff out for the holidays!

Apart from expanding the eye bat evolve tree, the main focus this update has been monster balance. A lot of the crappier monsters have been tweaked/buffed, and a few of the more powerful guys have been tweaked to be less OP.
Aaaaand… CHRISTMAS PRESENTS WOOO! Hehe I hope you all enjoy it, and please let us know how the monster changes are working for you!
Presents?! Woo! I hope one of them isn’t an ugly sweater.
Haha, I wish we had some system where we could put terrible sweaters on guys!
I wish this was more winter-holiday agnostic rather than being “Christmas” – lots of people who play video games aren’t Christian / celebrate Christmas
Hmm that’s a side of things I had never really considered… The word “Christmas” is associated with the holidays, though I’m not Christian in any way and don’t celebrate these things in any religious manner- I just focus on the overweight bearded weirdo sneaking down chimneys, and leave the religious side for people who are into that!
That is the correct answer Barney, have a Christmas cookie on me.
Looks like a fun update , keep it up guys
Cheers :D!
I loved annoying the crap out of my friends with the original eye bat that shot a crap-ton of pellets. But I’m super excited for the new update!! Love you guys, and i’m looking forward to ANYTHING you give us! I am going to start a tournament at my school this coming semester for CRAWL. Maybe I’ll stream it, who knows? :b
A die-hard fan
Hehe don’t worry, the old eye bats should still be pretty solid performers!
Barney, How many bosses do you think Crawl will be getting in the long term? Or is the statue the last one? (Here comes my questions) Will there ever be online multiplayer in Crawl, I have an uncle that lives away and he plays Crawl with us when we come over, now that I have Crawl, if we had online multiplayer we could play from afar, also is there gonna be more god monsters? and finally, are you going to release the soundtrack? I have to have that cool music!
In my mind, five bosses is around the absolute minimum, but I’m expecting/hoping to get in at least eight once the pressure to finish the game is off and I can add them more at my leisure
As for online play, I’m sorry to say we’ve pretty much ruled it out. Dave did a bunch of testing and prototyping, and neither of us were happy with the huge amount of extra work and pressure that would be on us. Considering I’m working 16 hour days and am still way behind schedule, a feature like that which is likely to more than double our workload would just make our lives way too stressful!
Local play offers a lot of freedoms with how we handle damage zones, hitboxes and particles. If this stuff had to work reliably online, a whole lot of attacks where I’ve used that stuff quite generously to get the desired effect would have to be reworked to be more compatible with netcode. The result would be various attacks not looking and feeling as good, just to make them more predictable to keep the data synced between players online.
As for the soundtrack, I’m pretty sure we’ll be putting it out around the same time as launch- that reminds me, we really need to chat with the musician about that, so thanks for the reminder haha!
Give us a teaser, what do you have in mind for the bosses?
haha, your welcome, Well, im glad to hear that there’s actually a company who answers their fans, but sorry for all the questions, I had a lot and then I found Crawls website… As for no online, I still have friends hyped about playing this game, and they will when I invite them over, till then, I guess I can just stick to destroying my brothers with Kevin the Destroyer, Murkan for the win!
This update is tons of fun, balancing seems good so far too, good work, guys!
Great to hear
definitely keep us posted on the balance- the more feedback we get on that the better!
Thank you for the update!
Awesome update!
I personally can’t wait for the snake that was teased oh-so-long ago. Looks like his tree could collide with the more slithery looking eye bats 
The snake is being implemented right now actually
It has been turned more purple and put in the demon line to make some transitions smoother- currently he fires twin poison projectiles for primary, and a powerful stun-red projectile for secondary- I hope you like him when he goes in!
I love how this game keeps expanding, and I’ll always enjoy any new monster additions 
Thanks for yet another great update! I’m proud to think that our feedback on the forums might have helped you guys out, even a little bit. Happy holidays, and keep up the amazing work!
Thanks for the support!! The info from the forums has been the best- with all the random elements in the game, there’s no way Powerhoof can do all the testing we need just between the two of us!
Some feedback about the new green eyebeast: the attack is very easy to miss and doesn’t do much damage when it hits. He feels kinda powerless. If it either did more damage or impacted with the hero or had a effect that lingered? Wouldn’t complain but the other one is very accurate with its laser( I like this, having a bomber/sniper contrast) and the green-eyed one just seems difficult to deal damage with. In small rooms it’s almost impossible to have the hero far away enough to hit.
Another thing: a hard bot getting the shielded giant skeleton was always a bit frustrating, but now they seem downright unbeatable. Not much of a problem if you have mates
Aaand if you could select the yellow hero even with just two other players(I join with keyboard-mouse-controller2 and then with controller1 and then leave with the others to keep my favorite color hero)
Hey thanks Sakke thanks for the feedback
I’ll definitely look into the shield skeleton AI!
As for the green bomber, it definitely takes more practice to get the hang of staying the right distance to hit with the bomb, but once I had gotten the hang of it I find it a little OP if anything- that’s why the damage isn’t so big.
We had tried dealing damage with the beam also, but it made the technique confusing, as there wasn’t a clear line between hitting/missing with the bomb. One option for tight spaces might be to make the beam push the hero back more, so if he’s a bit close he’ll be pushed back into the explosion?
Anyway, as always with new monsters, I’ll be keeping my eye on how it pans out, and will be able to tweak things in a patch once I have a lot more info and have played the bomber a bunch more in-game
This game is so awesome! I played it once before at a friend’s, and instantly loved it. Then, a few days later, I was reading some devlogs on Tigsource when I found it again. It lead me to learning about (most) of your dev process. This is my idol indie game, but development and gameplay wise. Can’t wait until I get the money to buy this!
That’s awesome to hear
stoked to be any kind of inspiration for people interested in game development!
I love this game. My roommate play it whenever we have friends over, and can’t get enough of it! I am just finishing up a degree in music and composing for projects like this would be my dream job. Does your musician have a web page or website with more of his work, for inspiration’s sake?
I think my favorite aspect of this game is the progression. The bosses are great, but sometimes I’ll try and get to level 15-20 to see how many monsters/items I can rack up! Looking forward to future monster/boss/item content. Can’t wait to try the new update, thanks!
So great to hear
Alex Yoder does all our music- you can check him out on the web here: http://www.alexyoder.net/music
Not to be a nitpicker, but “realdy”? Aside from that, though, great update. Also really happy our feedback from the forums helped.
haha I need more sleep! I’ll fix it now…
Ok, now I really feel bad, but is chrismas cupdate intentional?
You developers are the single best crew working on a game ever! You guys work hard to create amazing games that everybody in the right mind could enjoy. I hope you guys know this and continue to be active and great developers. THANK YOU!!!
:D! thanks so much!
I have and idea! Add additional customization options for the game: Level until you can fight the boss starting wrath (or something like that) y’know for players who like to keep the game interesting for themselves or something like that
Hi again Barney, i’m that guy that asks too much questions, but right now I have a recommendation, an idea for an achievement. The name of the achievement would be: Top of The Food Chain, and it would be for peaking all your monsters, or you’re entire party peaking all their monsters all in one round. It just came to me and I thought it would be worth mentioning, Thanks!
very cool idea
also, guess what? I have another question! will there be any alternate game modes? Like a game mode where all four heroes team up to fight endless waves of monsters, and to keep the “Your friends control the monsters” feel, when a hero dies they become part of the waves, or they have a certain amount of wrath every wave to spawn their chosen god’s monsters in, and as you spawn them they get stronger and eventually upgrade, or maybe a 2 player time trials mode, where you have a certain amount of time to get to and defeat the boss?
I would love to do alternate game modes, but for the time being we have our hands full getting the core game right… so maybe down the track but not any time soon unfortunately
ok, thanks
Hey guys! Got this game at the beginning of the new year and was amazed with how awesome it is so far– just today I had three buddies over and we all hooked up our controllers and shredded each other. Just wanted to let you guys know this is one of the best indie games I’ve ever seen, let alone played, and I’m sure me and my friends will love what’s to come!
So good to hear
we have some more stuff to add soon, hopefully you like it!
I am a Taiwan player
I really like this game very much
I hope it will more monsters more weapons more skill more update in future
Thank you
Ps my english is not very good Sorry~
Thanks so much for the support
we will be adding some more content quite soon, including a new boss!
PS your English is much better than my Taiwanese hehe
I heard your guys mentioning a slime upgrading system as a possibility, or at least a way to make them stronger. Will we see this in the next update? Keep up the good work!
Yeah that’s something we’ve had on our list of possibilities for ages. We ended up deciding on a simpler version for the next update, so there’s a way to have a more powerful slime, but not a full upgrade system.
Crawl is one of the best local multiplayer games I’ve ever played! Is there a good place to give gameplay feedback? I’ve been playing the game since the Deamon Lord update and I’ve racked up a lot of time on this game.
Absolutely, we’re always happy for feedback
Email or subreddit?
You’ve maybe gotten this a lot, but I want to add – I just bought this game on the horror-game-themed Humble Bundle (I hadn’t heard about it before then), and I realized this game would be AMAZING on Nintendo Switch. Local multiplayer at its finest, which is what the Switch excels at. I Googled and heard you guys are “looking into it”, but I will confidently promise that I will absolutely buy this game a 2nd time if it appears on Switch, hands down. I feel like that’s the device this game belongs on. Please consider it!
You guys nurfed the acid necromancer??? D: Why he was able to swarm undead minions againts the hero, best part of this game… So sad.