The full version is loose in the wild!
We have a new boss, a bunch of new monsters, new items, new props, achievements, trading cards, OST, a million little fixes, and a brand new trailer starring Ye Old Shrimpeyes and the eternal rotting void…
Now to go and watch the website analytics until my eyes roll out of my face!!
WOOOO GOD BLESS THE UNHOLY GAME THAT IS CRAWL!! Amazing pixel-art for the thumbnail btw!
Can’t find the purchase option for PS4, despite it saying, “Out Now.”. What am I missing?
Found it!!/en-us/games/crawl/cid=UP2868-CUSA07876_00-000000000CRAWLUS
A big congratulations to you both, Powerhoof! It’s looking very fancy!
Has it been 4 years already?!?!?!?!
Now that you’re all up and running with your console releases (Big congratulations by the way! Love the game and have been following throughout development)
Is it time to talk about online co-op again????
will there be more updates like more gods and new bosses because i really want to see this game become an ongoing thing
So hyped to play this new update!
I have been following this game for years and i’m so happy for all of you at Powerhoof. Crawl is an amazing product and I see nothing but success for all of you in the future. Thank you for bringing this gift into the world.
I would have glady waited 10 more years for online play or even lan play would’ve worked and people could’ve used hamachi. But anyway glad it’s finally out. I can’t wait to see what game you guys are going to make next.
I received this game through a humble monthly quite some time ago and I immediately knew it’s potential for my gaming group but my PC doesn’t much like the idea of actually working when I connect 4 controllers with bluetooth or USB.
So I waited, figuring that it would come eventually to my PS4.. today was the day and it happened
it was almost a perfect storm, I didn’t even know it was releasing today and my friends were over.. picked it up immediately, played through 3 matches with 4 people, someone actually managed to take down the first boss in our last match.
More than worth the wait and the double dipping, I think at this price point I would triple dip for a Switch version too, it’s much more portable than my PS4.
Thanks for the game, congrats on the release, didn’t see any bugs, just had fun
Thank you for GOG release. Hope to see achievements added to GOG Galaxy ;).
Can you add the giant lich skeleton we saw in the skeleton entry video?
The new boss is kick-ass awesome, and I see you could not resist including a lady eith a scorpion for a bum.
Soo, this happened.
Been here since 2015, pretty fucking hyped guys.
Fantastic! I spent the entire weekend killing (and being killed by) the kids. Best co-op game I’ve played with them in a long time.
Any news coming to this game?
Please, I know it’s so so much work. But please please please make an online multiplayer. I play this game by myself all the time, it’s not my fault all my gaming friends are on the internet. This is one of my favourite games of all time and I haven’t even played it as intended yet : P
Hire an outside company to do it maybe?
Also, I had an idea. What if in the monster section of the vault you guys showed the current layout of the evolution tree and perhaps the names of the monsters? It would be helpful for new players.
Question: Have you thought about bringing this game to mobile platforms??? Please! I know a lot of people that would be very interested in this and it would bring in some more money for you guys! Hope you think about it!
hi, i’ve been played this game for a long time, and i really like this game. i don’t know where i should report some bugs that i found on the game,so i’ll just post it here instead
. when you’re a ghost and found a grave, sometimes you can’t click on it to get power-ups for monsters. i keep clicking on it, but nothing happens. it’s not a problem when bots get the power-ups while i’m doing so. and also, i’ve found it out recently that sometimes on a room, a trap on the wall, which was supposed to be there, but was invisible. you can use the trap on the wall, but it doesn’t appear on the wall. i guess it’s on the layer issues, but i can be wrong
. keep working on this game, devs! i wish more people will recognizes this game later 
Please, please, please, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL HUMANITY MAKE THIS GAME ONLINE MULTIPLAYER! It is so rare to be able to get all of my buddies in the same room due to work schedule conflicts, babies, etc, and making this online would be the biggest blessing in gaming history for us. We all love this game and very much would appreciate an update with online! Please and thank you!