What next?
Well, mostly I’m working on environments for the next update- here is a little taste:

I’m just throwing around ideas at this stage, I don’t know what will make it in and what won’t, but currently I’m investigating: “caves” (shown above) “mines” “castle keep” and a much more experimental “haunted forest”.
I’ll try to keep you posted as I go!
Also, I’ve been toying with streaming/recording software, and I’ve started setting up the necessary equipment. I’m hoping that I can record/stream some animation process stuff as I’ll be doing the work anyway so it shouldn’t take up much extra time
My goal is to get familiar with the setup, and maybe start to record regular playthroughs as we test out new content and discuss the design/development process. This seems like both the least labor-intensive and the most informative way to keep everyone posted through development, so we (hopefully) don’t have big silences while I panic for a deadline, instead we just have panicky videos
Anyway, this is all just daydreams at the moment, I have no idea if it will fit in with my working process until I give it a try, but I am working on it!
*edit: here is the haunted forest concept too

I am so excited for this update! Just started playing the game about two weeks ago, floored by how incredible the idea/execution has been so far, and very much looking forward to seeing new content! Keep up the good work guys.
cheers dude
that always makes me so happy to hear- I can’t wait to have more new stuff ready for the game!
Hey so when do you think this is gonna come out in a month or are you gonna try to get it at the start or end of a month to keep it exact also, this game is just oh my god its amazing!
That new boss kicks ass, guys!
I really really love that Haunted Forest concept, very nice colors, there!
Ermagherd I nearly creamed myself! That looks so awesome, just loving where you guys keep taking this game!
DROOOOOOOOOOOOL! This looks amazing!!! =D
Keep up the great work! Always salivating for the next update!
Just dropping some environment ideas.
Maze: a level with abnormal amount of trap rooms and corridors, some “hubs” where many corridors meet.
Tomb: more pentagrams, graves and sarcophagi (they never do anything, at least not for me)
A level with a statue in almost every room, no idea for a name.
Different shopkeepers, I don’t trust the current guy moving from level to level so fast. Different shop layouts?
Secret doors that appear as fractures on walls, or an event(earthquake?) that opens them up. Or maybe they open up once the boss has been fought because of spacial distortions.
And that creepy looking tree must be made flammable.
And a pile of bones that ghosts can haunt to lock the room, the pile stands up teetering with the skull on top and the hero must smash it to escape.
And other gear, like helmets or hats, you could only hold one at a time, when you buy a new one your old is put on its place(same could be true for weapons)
Omg im sooo exited for this update :).
this all looks incredible!! and the streaming animation/progress thingie sounds so fun to watch i can’t wait for that!!
also this update/hydra is so fun my brother and i have played so many hours it’s unhealthily fun X^)
Woooo we can have treants, dryads, and half spider people!
Gorgons would be cool and of course, Crab people!
Man this game can just go on and on with mythology characters alone
Herma Gurd!!! That forest looks AMAZING! Thank you so much for all the work you two have done on this masterpiece. It astounds me. I really would like to see the forest come with an owl boss though. One wing pushes the player around, the other launches a spray of feathers, and the head can cause the boss to have an evasive flight for for a few seconds
I am in love with that haunted forest! I hope that it eventually makes it in! Do you guys have any thoughts on how you want to incorporate these environments? Will you randomly land in one like the bosses are random or will they be something you can choose to go to? Also are you thinking you might have any environment specific items? Like swords in castles and black earth artifacts for a forest.
Your game is awesome, now if only it had online, or even LAN for hamachi play, would be godlike. <3
I wonder how many times you read this, but it is true
I would love for a mud-monster to lunge forward out of that purple marsh as a trap for the haunted forest room.
haha yeesss
i do have plans to make unique traps along those lines for each environment- hopefully I get time to work on that kind of stuff!